Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Here is a list of our most frequently asked questions via email and social media. If have any additional questions, feel free to contact us at

We currently accept the following payments:

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • PayPal

And if you want to do a large order, we accept Affirm payments through WooPay.

If the quality of your printed poster or canvas is not to your expectations, you can return the item to our warehouse within 30 days. Since most of our items are printed when we receive the order to keep from holding an abundance of inventory, periodically there are issues with the prints.

We will replace or refund you the money for the print as needed in the first 30 days. Up to 60 days, we don’t mind sending you a replacement with proof that the quality is not up to par or there is some other defect.

There are no returns or replacements after 60 days.

All digital sales are final. Digital items are not returnable and as so, no refund on accidental purchases because I cannot prevent you from downloading the files after purchase. Please read all of the size requirements before purchase.

Shipping is FREE for all orders. We want to be able to provide you the lowest cost for your prints and canvas items.

We want to make positive messages and artwork for black and brown young people is available to everyone! Regardless of income level or stature, it is important to encourage children from an early age and to ensure that they know that their skin is beautiful!

By purchasing a downloadable art, you can have it printed either at home, Walgreens, CVS, or Mpix at a price that is comfortable for you.

Either way you purchase the artwork, we are sure that you will enjoy seeing it on the walls in your home or work.

Our downloads come in either JPG or PDFs in the 4 common sizes in different ratios at high resolution (300 dpi) for printing.

These ratios are designated in the files with a underscore (“_”) and then the ratio number. These ratio can then be printed out at the common design files for those ratios.

  • 3:4 ratio for printing – 6″x8″, 9″x12″, 12″x16″, 18″x24″
  • 2:3 ratio for printing – 4″x6″, 6″x9″, 8″x12″, 10″x15″, 12″x18″, 16″x24″, 20″x30″, 24″x36″
  • 4:5 ratio for printing – 4″x5″, 8″x10″, 16”x20″
  • International for printing – 5″x7″, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, 50x70cm

All of my prints are for personal use only!

YOU MAY NOT resell them or give away the files for free, but feel free to print them out and give them as a gift. BY PURCHASING ANYTHING FROM THIS SITE, you agree to uphold the copyright agreement.

COPYRIGHT 2024 1456 Media, LLC.